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Scarring Alopecia

Scarring Alopecia

As stated by the Dermatologists at Scarring Alopecia Clinic in Delhi Scarring Alopecia, also termed cicatricial alopecia, is a group of hair loss illnesses that can affect up to 3% of those who have hair loss. It affects normally healthy men and women of various ages all over the world. 

Dissecting cellulitis, eosinophilic pustular folliculitis, follicular degeneration syndrome (formerly known as "hot comb" alopecia), folliculitis decalvans, lichen planopilaris, and pseudopelade of Brocq, to mention a few, are all unusual diagnoses in this group. Scarring alopecia can also be a symptom of a far more serious disorder, such as chronic lupus erythematosus, which affects many of the body's organs. 

While there are numerous types of scarring alopecia, the recurring theme is the death of hair follicles, which can be permanent and irreversible, and their replacement by scar tissue. Find out more about natural solutions to treat androgenic alopecia.

Scarring alopecia usually starts as little areas of hair loss that can spread over time. Hair loss can occur gradually, without causing apparent signs, and go undiscovered for a long period. In some cases, hair loss is accompanied by intense itching, burning, and discomfort, and it progresses quickly.

Scarring Alopecia: What It Is, Why It Happens, How to Treat It, and How to Take Care of Your Hair

Scarring alopecia is a kind of baldness caused by hair follicle damage. Scarring alopecia affects roughly 3% to 7% of men and women who are otherwise fit. People who go bald as a result of scarring alopecia are often in a lot of pain since there is no method to revitalize or regenerate their hair. Scarring alopecia is a non-contagious condition as stated by the dermatologists at Panacea Aesthetics & Dermatology that can strike anyone. This page discusses the causes of scarring alopecia, as well as the symptoms, forms, and treatment options available. We at Panacea Aesthetics & Dermatology provide the best Alopecia Treatment Cost in India.

Scarring Alopecia History

Cicatricial alopecia is another name for this illness; cicatrice refers to a scar. Scarring alopecia can cause hair loss to progress slowly over a few years or quickly over a few months. Hair loss in scarring alopecia may not display usual signs and so go undiagnosed in certain circumstances. Rapid hair loss is sometimes accompanied by symptoms including intense itching, soreness, burning, and clumps of hair shedding. The inflammation that destroys hair follicles occurs below the skin's surface, therefore the scar on the scalp is not visible as remarked by the experts at the top Alopecia Treatment Cost in India

Scarring Alopecia Affects Whom?

Healthy people can get scarring alopecia. It is not communicable, and there may or may not be a hereditary relationship. Women are more likely to have certain categories than males. Pseudopelade is a scarring alopecia that primarily affects adult females. Scarring alopecia is not commonly seen in youngsters, however, some types can afflict teenage men.

What Kinds of Scarring Alopecia Are There?

Scarring alopecia is divided into three categories: primary, secondary, and developmental/hereditary.

Primary Scarring Alopecia

The hair follicle is irreparably torn down and substituted by fibrous tissue in primary scarring alopecia. The hair follicle is the primary target of damage in primary scarring alopecia, which originates in the scalp. Because the stem cells in the bulge of the hair root have been completely killed, the hair cannot be regrown. Inflammatory cells such as lymphocytes, neutrophils, or a combination of these have a major impact on the hair follicle as told by the experts at the top Scarring Alopecia Clinic in Delhi. Primary scarring alopecia is characterized as lymphocytic, neutrophilic, or mixed alopecia depending on the kind of inflammation-causing cells.

  • Neutrophilic Cicatratial Alopecia 

Folliculitis decalvans and dissection of cellulitis of the scalp are examples of neutrophilic Cicatratial alopecia. Both disorders are more common in young adults or teenage men.

  • Lymphocytic Alopecia 

Lymphocytic alopecia includes lichen planopilaris (lichen planus follicularis), frontal fibrosing alopecia, acne keloidalis nuchae, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, and Brocq pseudopelade.

Secondary Scarring Alopecia

Another kind of permanent scarring alopecia is secondary scarring alopecia. However, inflammation or a damaging process to the epidermis that eventually affects the hair follicles causes secondary harm to the hair follicles. When the follicle is damaged by burns, tumours, trauma, or radiation therapy, this kind of alopecia develops as stated by the best Alopecia Treatment Cost in India.

Developmental/ Hereditary Alopecia

Male / Female pattern baldness is a kind of developmental/hereditary alopecia caused by one or more causes such as heredity, hormone imbalances, or the natural ageing process.

Scarring Alopecia Symptoms

One or more persistent bald spots on the scalp are the first sign of scarring alopecia. These patches may stay isolated or combine to form larger bald patches on the scalp, eventually leading to near-total alopecia. The bald spots on the skin seem to be smooth and glossy. A total lack of follicular apertures has resulted in the absence of skin pores.

Scarring alopecia symptoms vary depending on the kind of alopecia. However, a few typical scarring alopecia symptoms are as follows:

  • Scalp itching
  • Scalp charring
  • Purulent discharge from the scalp
  • Pain
  • Rough and crusty skin patches
  •  Blisters are formed
  • Crusting

Scarring Alopecia: What Causes It?

Scarring alopecia is yet to be fully understood, however, inflammation continues to be the major contributing factor. Scarring alopecia is characterized by the experts at Panacea Aesthetics & Dermatology as the irreversible death of hair follicles as a result of inflammation, increasing collagen deposition, and the lack of sebaceous glands.

Scarring alopecia is hypothesised to be caused by the destruction of slow-cycling hair follicle stem cells (HFSC). HFSCs are found in the outer root sheath's 'bulge' area of the hair follicle. Secondary germ cells, also known as transient amplifying cells, are produced by stem cells and travel upwards and downwards to replenish and regenerate the upper follicle. During regular telogen–anagen cycling, stem cells are involved in the renewal of the lower hair follicle. Because scarring alopecia can also manifest as erythema, epidermal shrinkage, and follicular plugging, scientists think that other biological processes are involved in the development of scarring alopecia.

Another idea describes how the receptor protein proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) is involved in scarring alopecia. PPAR gamma is involved in the stability of hair follicle cells, notably stem cells, as well as sebaceous glands. The abnormal action of PPAR gamma promotes sebaceous gland dysfunction and the accumulation of "toxic" lipids. When the body's lipid levels rise as told by the experts at Scarring Alopecia Clinic in Delhi, it causes inflammation, which finally kills the hair follicle.

Scarring alopecia can be caused by hair-care behaviours such as overuse of hot combs, relaxants, and excessive traction, especially in women.

The following is a summary of the causes of scarring alopecia as provided by experts at Panacea Aesthetics & Dermatology.

  • Hair follicle stem cells are destroyed.
  • HFSCs' ability to self-maintain is harmed.
  • Changes in the lipid metabolism
  • Inflammation
  • Injuries, burns, and tumours are all factors to consider.
  • Factors that are genetic

What Treatment Options Are There For Scarring Alopecia?

The purpose of scarring alopecia therapy is to prevent additional hair loss and to conceal bald spots with hair systems or wigs. Because hair regeneration isn't feasible, the treatment's primary goal at Panacea Aesthetics & Dermatology is to alleviate inflammatory symptoms. Only if there is enough intact donor hair elsewhere on the scalp and the illness is not advancing or dormant may hair transplantation be used to replace bald regions.

Because various inflammatory cells, like neutrophils or lymphocytes, can induce primary scarring alopecia, the treatment choices vary according to the kind.

Scarring alopecia treatment at Panacea Aesthetics & Dermatology

Scarring alopecia can be treated in a variety of ways. The majority of the time, however, patients consider therapy when scarring alopecia has resulted in hair loss. The treatment choices would then be focused on hair transplantation or restoration. In terms of scarring alopecia treatments, there are a few options:

  • Scarring alopecias such as lichen planopilaris and pseudopelade, which are largely caused by lymphocyte inflammation of hair follicles, are usually treated with corticosteroids in topical creams. Injections into the damaged skin might also help. Aside from these, antimalarials and retinoids are additional alternatives for therapy.
  • Antibiotics and retinoids are commonly used to treat scarring alopecias caused by inflammation of neutrophils or a combination of cells.

Why should you select Panacea Aesthetics & Dermatology?

At Panacea Aesthetics & Dermatology, you will be able to experience everything for yourself. We start with the consultation and carefully choose all of the elements to guarantee that we deliver the finest-in-class therapy for scarring alopecia. People that come to us for therapy may expect to obtain the results they want. We have successfully treated numerous individuals with scarring alopecia as well as those who have lost their hair as a result of this condition.

We with the best Alopecia Treatment Cost in India make it our primary goal to provide you with the best possible outcome in the shortest amount of time. Nonetheless, we are concerned about the treatment's best possible outcome. We also schedule follow-ups and post-treatment clinical evaluations to confirm that the results are as predicted.

Our website allows you to simply schedule an appointment with us.

Faqs Answer


What are the most important parts of a skincare routine?

Apart from following the cleanse, tone and moisture skincare routine, you need to also keep your skin safe from the harmful rays of the sun. The damage can result in dark spots, wrinkles, and also there is a risk of skin cancer. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen lotion or spray to keep you protected.

Uneven skin tone is caused by uneven distribution of pigment, it can also be caused by extreme sun exposure and hormonal changes. if you do not exfoliate your skin properly, you can develop uneven skin tone because of the excessive buildup of dead skin cells. You can use serums, creams that contain vitamin C to even your skin tone. You can also swear by home remedies to get back even toned skin.

There are few categories typically skin is classified into; normal, oily, dry, combination and sensitive skin. But over a period of time your skin texture and type can change as it is affected by a lot of factors such as lifestyle, hormones and your diet. The ideal way to understand your skin type might be, to wash it gently and leave it for several hours without using any product to observe your skin.

Acne is most common in young adults with increasing hormone levels, and about 80 percent of people will have at least one [acne] outbreak before age 30. It is less common in older adults, who tend to have steadier hormone levels. Since stress can affect hormones, it may also play a role in the development of acne, but so far, there is no definitive evidence that factors such as stress, diet, or light makeup have any links with acne. If you have acne, wash gently with a mild cleanser no more than twice a day; and avoid hard scrubbing, exfoliating, and touching the affected areas.

UV exposure and hormonal changes are two causes of dark spots. Avoiding the sun and wearing sunscreen can prevent new dark spots from forming, while exfoliating regularly or using prescription medications may help treat the existing spots you already have. Certain dark spot correctors or moisturizers may also make a difference over time. Remember to choose the products that are formulated for your skin type.

As your skin loses elasticity and collagen, it naturally begins to appear wrinkled and saggy. By caring for it and focusing on prevention, you can minimize these issues. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day, and consider using eye creams and other topical products that contain retinoids and antioxidants, which can help improve the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

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